De asemenea, am avut parte de multumiri de la familiile care au ajuns deja cu autodiversificarea la cateva luni de exeperienta practica, deci copilasul li se apropie de un an sau a depasit un an si sunt fericiti cu alegerea facuta. Recunosc ca sunt asa bucuroasa ca am putut la randul meu sa fiu un sprijin, cum altii au fost pentru mine, si ca am dat mai departe
din ce am primit pentru o viata mai sanatoasa a intregii familii.
Recent am descoperit si cum incepe autodiversificarea la un bebelus hranit cu lapte praf dar care isi dorea atat de mult sa testeze el insusi mancarea incat mama lui a decis sa inceapa BLW, iar impreuna cu ei si eu ma bucur ca lucrurile merg foarte bine. Voi scrie pe parcurs si despre aventura BLW la ei.
Sa revenim la "Dilemele BLW". Am realizat ca sunt doua temeri mari ridicate de mamele care incep cu primul copil inceperii introducerii mancarii solide in alimentatie si nu sunt decise sa aleaga din start autodiversificarea.
Prima este teama de faptul ca "desi suna bine, nu stiu pe nimeni sa mai faca asta?"
Ei bine, poate ca faptul ca tu incepi acest lucru pentru copilul tau va fi un pas important in dezvoltarea individualitatii sale. Pe de alta parte, probabil stii de multi parinti care se plang ca nu mananca copii si au ajuns sa faca tot felul de lucruri pentru a-i convinge sa manance, desi crede ma in mod normal acest lucru nu ar fi trebuit sa se intample daca parintele incepea diversificarea intr-un mod natural.
Cea de a doua temere este " nu stiu ce ar putea merge rau daca aplic diversificarea clasica?"
Raspunsul este simplu. Intervii ca parinte in modul natural de alimentatie al copilului. Bebelusul isi doreste sa atinga mancarea, sa inteleaga lumea. Exact asa cum nu il vei inveli in burete si il vei lasa sa mearga de-a busilea pe jos pe podea, cum vei accepta ca in incercarea de a se ridica poate sa si cada, este normala si autodiversificarea.
Un copil caruia i se refuza dreptul de a atinge mancarea (asa cum el a fost creat sa o faca si cum o faceau toti stramosii nostri pana la introducerea laptelui praf si pireurilor), privat de dreptul de a atinge si de a simti ce inseamna mancarea reala, cred ca este un copil lipsit de o experienta extrem de importanta in vederea cresterii sale armonioase.
Va propun sa cititi in engleza cateva informatii de pe blogul BLW despre inceputul autodiverisificarii. (Le puteti traduce cu butonul Google Translate)
"If you fancy giving it a try, here are some tips from the parents who contribute to our lively Baby Led Weaning Forum
- Have a good trawl on the internet for blogs, info and in particular video clips of BLW babies. Seeing little tiny 6-month-old babies demolishing their food and hearing the gasps of admiration from the proud parent behind the camera (and by parent I mean Dad. It’s always the Dad), will do your confidence the power of good.
- Next, forget ‘baby food’. Food’s food, as long as you’re not adding salt. To start off with, think chip-sized because it’s an easy shape for little 6-month-olds to grip, but you’ll soon move on to smaller pieces as it’s more interesting for a child developing a pincer grip.
- As a first food most people steam carrots (to about the degree that they can be smushed ‘twixt your thumb and finger), cut up cucumbers, make toast fingers or crinkle cut bits of mango, that sort of thing, but remember if there’s no reason whatsoever why your baby can’t have a pile of Spaghetti Bolognese or mashed potato to dig into if that’s what the rest of the family is having.
- No bowls, they’re just asking to be flung heavenwards. Put the food on the highchair tray or table and remember, it’s all a learning experience for the baby at this point. They really don’t care whether the experience is ‘oooooh, mango is in my mouth’ or ‘ooooooh, a bowl is flying across the room’.
- As an experienced eater yourself, you already have all the ‘equipment’ you’ll need to feed your child, but there are some things to consider. An easy-to-clean highchair is a must, so head to Ikea for a fifteen quid Antilop, which will even fit in the shower for a hose-down on a bad broccoli day.
- There will be mess, oh yes there will, so if you are weaning in summer don’t be afraid to eat outside or semi-naked (and the baby too, if you like, hem hem) and for winter Ikea and Tommee Tippee make great cover-all and pelican bibs.
- Putting a wipe-clean tablecloth under the highchair is a good idea if you have carpets and some people find that a crinkle cutter is handy to make food extra-grippable.
- (Slightly bitter) experience suggests that the more effort you put into making something special for the baby, the less likely they are to eat it. Give them what you’re having. If they hate it, fine, they’re getting their calories from milk anyway.
- Of course it would be perfect if we ate every meal as a family, just like the Waltons but this isn’t always possible. Try to keep your ‘social activity’ head on, though, even if it’s just you and your baby sharing a sandwich at lunch. Keep smiling, keep enjoying, keep paying attention. It’s just good manners at the end of the day, something it’s never too early for a child to learn.
- Don’t get too hung up on three meals a day, it may take a while to work up to that. Whatever’s convenient and enjoyable for you is best.
- And don’t put too much on the highchair tray at the one time, just a couple of pieces of food will stop them feeling overwhelmed.
- Actual hunger can be frustrating for the babies when they’re still getting to grips (quite literally) with things. Timing ‘meals’ to between milk feeds seems to be best, and because it’s just finger food you aren’t limited to staying in. There’s no reason why you can’t pack a wee Tupperware with some carrot or cucumber, buy a banana when you’re out or just pull some bits out of an undressed salad.
- Never put food into a child’s mouth, let them put it in by themselves so that they can control it as it moves backwards. If the baby gags, remember that it’s their way of moving food around in the mouth and don’t panic. Some parents have found that making exaggerated chewing faces and noises reminds the child to get back on track.
- Nappies and their contents will soon fascinate you in ways you never thought possible. Raisins rehydrate, little pieces of still-green broccoli sneak through the digestive system and bananas produce poo with strange black threads. Look and learn, ladies.
- Have a camera ready to capture those first gummy, carroty smiles because as daunting as it may seem, weaning is a very short time in your child’s life. So remember to enjoy it... ("
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